Saturday, April 25, 2009

A Tribute To Rick

Ahhh Rick..the name brings an instant smile to my lips. :)

A diverse, intelligent, sensitive, loyal, loving friend from what seems a lifetime ago, Rick is always ready to make things a little better. He's one of my best friends and confidants. Rick is the center of my tiny circle of trusted individuals. He's always close by with an encouraging word, and seems to know without fail what to do when I'm having a melt down. I sometimes tell him that he's my whisperer..which I do believe he is.

When life got tough, Rick was silently there, worrying but not intruding. Concerned but not invasive. He gave an unconditional love thats so rare these days, and still gives that unconditional love. To this day, Rick will be as gentle as a lamb when I need him to be (emotionally) but as hard as stone when I become the spoiled, insecure, jealous little brat that he alone knows I can be. The patience of a saint and the heart of a lion. That's my best friend, Rick.

It's so funny and amazing. Several times each day, I will reach for my cellphone to send a txt to him, but before I can finish composing it, (I'm a snail with texting) my phone will alert me that I have a txt, and it will be him. It's as if he can sense when I need to vent or just get a nudge and reminder that he's there. I've never seen anything like it, so maybe I should add psychic to the description of Rick.

When I'm having an insomniac moment, I can count on a call from Rick. He'll soothe me through the worries of my day and life, and with the whisperer quality that he has, will make me relax enough to get a few hours of rest. Sacrificing his own sleep time for mine. Thats my best friend, Rick.

Musically gifted, with the voice of an angel, Just listening to him sing calms my soul from deep within. I can choose a song, listen to his beautiful voice singing, and every ounce of tension slowly fades into the background, to be lost for another hour, or day. When he sings, it's as if he's singing directly to me, because of the sincerity and passion he puts in his songs. Songs sung from a caring, loving heart... That's my best friend, Rick.

I have just barely scratched the surface in trying to be articulate enough to give Rick the justice that he so deserves, but I do hope that I've conveyed something of who Rick is. In a nutshell, a caring, loving, patient soul that I'm extremely lucky to call a special special friend and person.

I love you, Rick...just for being you. Thank you for being there, and loving so unconditionally through our time. I'm not sure you'll ever realize what a special person you are, so I hope this will give you some idea of my own feelings.


  1. Speechless....... if it was raining out, i would be a puddle of sugar water. lol You are a special young woman to me Caroline and you always will be. Of those things you say about me, the same can be said of you hun. A smile when I need it is always on the wings of a text from you. You are a sweetheart. The sweet sound of your voice be it in song or on the phone is so very relaxing and my problems simply disappear. You love me when I don't feel I deserve it yet still you do.. I am very lucky having you in my life Sweetie. Thank you for being you hun.

    Big Hugsssssssss and Kissesssssss for you always..

    meeeeeeeeeeeee xoxoxo

  2. Caroline that is a wonderful tribute to someone who seems to be a total stand-up guy.

    Nice to get to know you Rick.

    Love you Caroline.

    Renee xoxoxo

  3. Wow, I envy you such a friend! Guess you need to take speed-texting lessons, eh?

  4. Caroline is Rick the man that my Dad absolutely loved and thought of as a son? Or is that a different man.

    Celebrating Canada Day in Canada. Woot woot.

    I think of you all the time and I am happy to know that you are on a little holiday.

    Love Renee xoxo

  5. Sweet Caroline it is nice to see your beautiful face again and here your heartfelt words.

    I hope that all is well with you.

    love Renee xoxo

  6. You have many Canadians who love you sweet Caroline and I am just one of them.


  7. I hope all is well with you dear friend.

